Casting Down Imaaaaaaginations! (PMO)

Absolutely invaluable!

My Matthew Ch. 1 & 2 commentary (

PMO Duck Dinasty and Grace

Kent Hovind-Debate 01-Dr. Hovind at the University of West Florida-FULL

I had a good time watching this. Great to see that most evolutionists are not anti-Bible experts.

Creation Science College Class 201: Class 09

Given By Inspiration (Dr. William P. (Bill) Grady)


1. “Rightly Dividing” is not scriptural.

2. The Anglicans on the KJVTT were not baby-sprinklers. (Gipp?)

Synagogue of Satan (“Final Authority”, Ch. 7)

Hazardous Materials: Greek and Hebrew Study Dangers by Dr. Gail A. Riplinger (Audiobook)

Chapter 1: Introduction. As read by me. Will be working on chapter 3 soon.

Bible Truth TV

Streaming 24/7 by Mike Hoggard.

The AV 1611 Stumbling Block Cartoon